Jewish Women's Circle is back in full swing! It was so special to have our first one of the year, post-COVID, in our new building! We joined together to paint a beautiful scene of the Kotel, guided by artist Zoya. Everyone made beautiful masterpieces, while enjoying a night out and socializing.
What an incredible Mother-Daughter Challah Bake! It was so beautiful to see multiple generations (many with three generations!) of mothers and daughters coming together to learn about Challah, our powerful role as Jewish women, and how we can turn our homes into sacred sanctuaries. From the fun game, free mitzvah raffle, inspiring slideshow presentation, and delicious toppings bar- it was all a huge success! Enjoy your delicious masterpieces!
The Great Latke Cook-Off was a massive success! 30 women joined together in making four different flavored latkes: 1) Traditional Potato Latkes 2) Cabbage Latkes 3) Falafel Latkes 4) Butternut Squash and Apple Latkes. The latkes were delicious, cooking was fun, the toppings bar was a hit ... but above all else, the warmth, joy, Jewish pride and Chanukah inspiration was burning bright.
Thank you to all those who were able to attend my birthday celebration! It was wonderful to celebrate with so many dear friends. We started the evening with a short Torah thought about the preciousness of time, and continued from there to all give each other blessings, sharing our light with each other both verbally, and physically with the use of candles (unlimited passing of the flame). We then got our funny bones in shape with Improv Drama Actor Nancy Gold, who had us rolling with laughter at her various improv exercises and activities. Laughter really is the best medicine, and simcha poretz geder (joy breaks all boundaries). We can use joy and happiness to light up our world as well!
A fun-filled time with friends learning new tricks on making our Challah
What an incredible Women's Circle! It was wonderful to celebrate Chanukah together with so many friends. We started the evening with a Chanukah game that had everyone rolling with laughter (and coming home with a gift!) followed by a beautiful oil Menorah lighting and some Chanukah inspiration from Adina Landa. Dalit Broner and Ada led a fascinating and informative Essential Oils workshop, and then we all got to make our own healthy soap and perfumes using essential oils. And of course, we enjoyed oily latkes, sufganiyot and some other delicious desserts. Oil always rises to the top (try mixing it with water and see what happens). Oil reminds us that we, as Jews, should stand out, proud and
Mezuzahs and Mocktails was a big hit ! 25 women gathered together to learn about the Mitzvah of Mezuzah and create their own Mezuzah case masterpiece with local artist Anna Abramzon. The evening kicked off with a “Get to know You” game , followed by a video presentation , a short talk on Mezuzah with Adina Landa, following by art, desserts, and mocktails!
We had such a great time together, making inspirational wood boards for homes. Making new friends and . We learnt about the significance of a Jewish birthday and how to bring blessings into our home. Each lady took on beautiful Mitvzahs. Check out the Women's circle site for the schedule of upcoming events
Menorahs & Martinis was a hit!! A wonderful group of women coming together to build stunning granite Menorahs to light over Chanukah. We bonded over drinks and dessert, as we discussed Chanukah memories and inspiring Chanukah messages from our Rebbetzin.