Meet the Landas


Rabbi Menachem Landa
From a very young age, I had only one dream (or 2 if you include becoming a world-famous hockey player): to reach out to Jews in whatever location I might find myself in, help them in any way that I could, and show them the beauty of their heritage. I've been accomplishing this goal since the age of 14. I've been a camp counselor and Head Counselor, as well as Director. I led communal Passover Seders in Latvia. I teach Torah classes and one-on-one Torah learning in the communities I have lived in.  (My dream of becoming a world-famous hockey player is currently on hold :)

I was born in Vancouver and grew up in Montreal. I studied in Montreal through high school. I then traveled to Los Angeles to learn under Rabbi Ezra Schochet, one of the greatest Jewish scholars in our times. From there I studied in Brooklyn. I taught high school and college students in Miami, and Los Angeles, and finally completed my Rabbinical degree there.

It's an honor and a privilege to be building, serving, and growing the thriving Jewish community in Novato.

You can watch a short clip below of a speech Rabbi Landa gave at the JCC about the adventures within the first year of starting Chabad of Novato

Mrs. Adina Landa
I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. From a young age, I always knew I wanted to marry a Rabbi and build a Jewish community together.

I was educated in Bais Chana High School of Los Angeles and furthered my studies at BC Teachers Seminary in Tzfat, Israel. I then spent a year working for my high school as an extra-curricular program coordinator.

When I met my husband, I saw that we shared the same dream. I have a strong passion for teaching, as well as helping people live their best life. In 2018, I started a Life-Coaching Practice, in addition to the community work that I do, and being a mom of four. My entire mission is to serve and help.

Together with our 6 children, we form a most powerful team that will bring warmth and happiness to  friends, families, and the community around us.

Meet the Landa children through unique videos made at a special milestone 

 Hadassa: Is it Shabbos Yet? 

Chaya: Is it Shabbos Yet?

Yossi: Just Like Tatty  

Levi: Upshernish 

Chana: Is it Shabbos Yet?

Rabbi Landa