Kaddish & Yizkor:

candleKaddish is a bond which unites the Jewish generations from time immemorial, and unto eternity. Kaddish is the way we show our respect for our parents and the way they showed their love and respect for their parents.

Chabad of Novato can help you coordinate a minyan to come together wherein you can come and recite kaddish.

Additionally, we can help you arrange for kaddish to be recited in Israel during the traditional eleven months after a parent's parting, and on each Yahrtzeit thereafter.

Please contact Rabbi Landa directly to make these arrangements: [email protected] or 415-878-6770

Yizkor: The following dates are when Yizkor will be recited during services in the following Jewish years:
Thur. April 13 (In Israel, April 12) 
Sat. May 27 (In Israel, May 26)
Mon. September 25
Sat. October 7 

Tues. April 30 (In Israel, April 29)
Thurs. June 13 (In Israel, June 12)
Sat. October 12
Thurs. October 24

Tues. April 20 (In Israel, April 19)
Tues. June 3 (In Israel, June 2)
Thurs. October 2
Tues. October 14

If you would like to practice to say Kaddish, with an interactive Kaddish Trainer on our site, click here>>>>>>>