Shabbat (also known as "Shabbos" or the "Sabbath") is the centerpiece of Jewish life, and has been so since the infancy of our nation. According to the Talmud, Shabbat is equal to all the other commandments.

We would love for you to join us for Shabbat.  


 Saturday mornings Services 
(Every Shabbat)

Saturday mornings:
Shacharit prayer-10:15 AM
Torah reading/discussion -11:15 AM
Kiddush lunch - 12:30 PM

The traditional service is designed to guide you step by step and will make you feel comfortable regardless of  previous exposure or background. It is open to all, and is user-friendly with Hebrew/English prayers, spiced with explanation and song. This, coupled with Jewish melodies and an easy to read prayer book, will  make Shabbat prayer services an enjoyable and meaningful experience for you.

Click here to read about the Kiddush following services.

To see the dates for this years Yizkor and to say Kaddish for a loved one, click here>>>>>