As we look toward Chanukah, a celebration of light and miracles, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible stories of light in our own community. Chanukah reminds us that every person carries a light and a story. And when we share that light, we create miracles for one another.
Donor Impact Report
Donor Impact Report Winter 2024
Donor Impact Report Fall 2022
The holiday of Chanukah is coming up, and for us that conjures up the image of light. YOU are a light. You keep the flames burning in the individuals whose stories you'll read in these pages. Thank YOU for the impact you have had, and continue to have, on people from all backgrounds and walks of life who call our Jewish community their family. There is nothing like belonging, like feeling you’re “at home,” and that’s exactly what you have created for so many. Enjoy!
Donor Impact Report Summer 2022
Dear friend, Do you know what G-d's first words were in the process of creation? Our entire raison d'etre was contained in that opening speech in the Torah. "Let there be light." Those words are G-d's Divine Mission statement to us. Our purpose in this world is to bring light to others and the world, making the world a better and brighter place. Each act of goodness and kindness reveals another glimmer of that light. Your friendship and support has brought much-needed light to a world that, at times, seems dark and confused. Thank you for bringing light and joy. You are a lamplighter. … Read More » |
Donor Impact Report Spring 2022
Dear friend, You've heard of Moses. The great leader! The brilliant scholar. The miracle worker. Most notably, the man who brought the Torah from G-d to us, making us the Jewish People. Fast forward to 2022. He was the conduit who made the lofty Torah accessible to each and every Jew. There are Jews in our community who can't make it to a Seder. Jews who have no way to access the Torah and its beauty. You stepped up to be like Moses. You were the conduit to make Torah accessible to hundreds of Jews. Your gift helps them celebrate their holidays, connect to their faith, and learn inspiring messages. I… Read More » |
Donor Impact Report Fall 2021
Dear friend, The effect Covid-19 has had on the elderly is still unknown. But what is certain is that when they have a visitor, it makes a world of a difference to them. It is like saving lives.
I want to encourage you to make an effort to be more available for the elderly. Think about what YOU can do to brighten their lives. Please enjoy some first hand stories in this appreciation … Read More » |
Donor Impact Report Summer 2021
Shalom! Sometimes, we make an impact without knowing exactly the difference we have made. But in these few pages we want you to know exactly how vital you are. Everything we do is only possible because of you. And for that, we, and on behalf of the larger Jewish Community that we serve, want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are very much needed and appreciated. Because of you, 37 children were able to experience a fun Jewish summer camp. Because of you, multiple homes received mezuzot. Because of you, indivi… Read More » |
Donor Impact Report Spring 2021
Shalom! Your friendship warms my soul. I hope you enjoy reading this appreciation newsletter, where you can see first-hand the impact you have on so many lives. You help countless individuals powerfully engage, feel connected, and at home. Not only that, but you have provided a permanent home. Because of you they feel that they can proudly put a mezuzah on their doorpost, explore their meaningful heritage, join exciting immersive experiences and feel the warmth of their Chabad family. You give courage, strength and inspiration to Jews across Marin. Thank you for caring. You … Read More » |
Donor Appreciation Report Winter 2021
This has been a unique year! In spite of challenges, our community is alive and growing! Thank you for being there. For every individual. For today. For the future. You helped them feel connected while physically distanced. You let them know that somebody cared. Thanks to your support, many have enjoyed an incredible hybrid of virtual and to-go programming throughout the holidays, fall, and winter. You put smiles on their faces when people picked up Shabbat To Go packages or hopped aboard the Sukkah Mobile. You warmed their hearts when they got a video call check-in or a challah del… Read More » |
Donor Impact Report 2020 Q3
Not Alone. You Were There For Me
by Deborah R.
Have you ever had an experience where exactly what you needed most came into your life at exactly the right moment? I just had that experience.
I live alone. I am elderly. I have health issues that made the current pandemic extremely difficult for me to handle. My finances have been hit very hard. My phone was turned off because I couldn't pay my bills.
Last week, I received a knock on my door. Rabbi Landa was standing there with a big smile beneath his blue mask. He had been trying to reach me but since my phone was off, he came in person to visit. He handed me a $400 check to help me with my current bill.
It's hard to put into words how grateful I feel. Yes, for this incredible gesture … Read More »
Donor Impact Report 2020 Q2
I recently moved to Morganville, New Jersey from Marin County. As the Passover Seder was approaching, I had nothing for it and no one to celebrate with due to Covid-19, despite having family nearby. Rabbi Landa emailed me, asking how I was doing and if I needed anything for the Seder. I couldn’t believe it!
Every Chabad Rebbetzin I’ve ever met has been super stron… Read More »
Donor Impact Report 2020 Q1
March 1 2020
This past summer, I was traveling to Sunnyvale, and I mentioned it to Hilda, an elderly woman that we are close with.
I visit her frequently, and she considers my children her grand-children.
When Hilda heard that I was going to Sunnyvale, she said, “Can you visit my brother?” Of course, I was happy to do so.
I went to her brother, Paul’s, home, and together we put on tefillin. It was his first time putting on tefillin since his Bar Mitzvah in 1937!
On my next visit to Hilda, I showed her the picture of me with her brother putting on tefillin.
She was peering at it closely, and asking how he looked. I said, “Hilda, he’s your brother! You know how he looks.… Read More »
Donor Impact Report 2019
Dec 1. 2019
During my routine (albeit unnecessary) trip to Starbucks, I noticed a flier on the bulletin board for “Menorah Making”.
While my wife and I were both born in New York, surrounded by Jews, we had just moved to Novato and believed we were the “only Jewish people in town”.
Raising 2 young children, we jumped at the opportunity to attend the Menorah Making event at the Home Depot.
When we showed up, Adina greeted us with the BIGGEST and most welcoming smile. She and the Rabbi immediately made the kids feel comfortable and we had a great time!
From there, they invited us to a Grand Menorah Lighting at the Novato City Hall, where we were blown away … Read More »