The best start to the Jewish Kids Club one can only wish for! We learned all about the Jewish New Year, why we blow Shofar, and took on great New Year resolutions. The children enjoyed a chocolate covered apple with sprinkles to ensure a very sweet New Year! See you next Sunday morning and on the 25th for the Shofar factory!
With a heavy storm outside, we made Matzah Balls & Chicken soup. With Adina Landa leading the way with the delicious recipe and cooking tips, rabbi Menachem Landa shared about the Mitvzah of Kosher and we explored the story of Joseph, and the story of the exodus/Passover. Everyone brought home 1 container of soup to share with their family and one to give to a person not feeling well. (Look at the last picture for the delivery in action)
At our last session of Kids in the Kitchen, we had a mini master-chef junior bake-off. In groups of 3, the kids made their own honey cake from start to finish. The children demonstrated lots of team building skills, inclusion, and camaraderie, as the older ones helped the younger ones. Each mini-chef went home with their own apron, cooking set, and recipe cards. (Oh! And lots of Jewish learning weaved in throughout the baking :))
I can't help but admire that first picture, I learnt from my teacher who learnt from his.... all the way directly from Moses at Sinai, and now it's being taught to our dear students. Hopefully one day, these students will continue the chain and teach to their children and students as well Yummy cheesecake and dairy delights were made by our chefs while learning about Hashem giving the Jewish people the Torah and what it means for us!
Children learned more about Jewish holidays and the power of JOY! Everyone was hard at work and making delicious bourekas! Teamwork was at its best with the older children sharing and helping the younger ones!
Fun time by all! We learned about the passion of Judaism while eating yummy donuts and making Latkas.